Despite the fairy-tale surroundings, the heroine earns her triumph with believable determination, and readers young and old will root for her from start to finish. DOWNLOAD OPTIONS No suitable files to display here.

Violetta's intelligence and perseverance shine through from first to last. Publication date 2010 Topics Reading Level-Grade 8, Reading Level-Grade 9, Reading Level-Grade 10, Reading Level-Grade 11, Reading Level-Grade 12 Publisher New York : Little, Brown. The artist infuses the early drawings with just enough humor for readers to retain their sympathy for the buffoon-like brothers until they can redeem themselves through their later actions. German artist Meyer's friendly-looking ink-and-wash figures loiter, gallop, shout, and don and doff armor in Bayeaux-style tapestry panels that stretch across the spreads. but I think I'd better just see to it myself." Funke delivers a surprise ending that confirms her wit and her feminist leanings. Her youngest brother assures Violetta that he'll win and save her, but she demurs: "Thank you. To marry some dimwit in a tin suit?" Her father locks her up for her impertinence. However, when she turns 16, the king arranges a tournament and says Violetta must marry the winner.

At first, she can hardly lift a sword, but after much clandestine practice, Violetta can outride and outfight all her siblings.

Violetta's widowed father King Wilfred has some confused ideas about gender he insists she learn to joust with her three brothers. ) handles the picture book form just as deftly as her novels, with sure-footed pacing and a well-placed thrust through the cardboard princess stereotype.